Integrating Domo and Salesforce for Enhanced Data Management

by Vladimir Bjelajac, Salesforce Administrator


The Power of Domo Salesforce Writeback Connector

The Domo Salesforce Writeback Connector is a game-changer for organizations that rely on both Domo for analytics and Salesforce for managing customer interactions. It allows you to take the insights gathered in Domo and use them directly within Salesforce, automating and streamlining what were once manual and time-consuming processes. This means less time spent on data entry and more time focusing on strategic decisions that affect the bottom line.

Use Case: Enhancing Retail Sales with Data-Driven Insights

Let's consider a retail company that operates both online and through physical stores. The company uses Salesforce to manage its customer relationships and Domo for analyzing sales data, customer behavior, and inventory levels. The goal is to enhance sales through targeted marketing campaigns and optimized inventory management.

Step 1: Analyzing Customer Data in Domo

The company starts by analyzing its customer data in Domo, looking at purchasing patterns, product preferences, and feedback from various channels. This analysis helps identify high-value customers and understand their buying behavior.

Step 2: Creating Person Accounts in Salesforce

Using the insights gained from Domo, the company decides to create Person Accounts in Salesforce for customers identified as high value. This is where the Domo Salesforce Writeback Connector comes into play. Instead of manually entering this data into Salesforce, the connector automates the process, creating Person Accounts based on the data sets analyzed in Domo. This includes details such as name, contact information, and buying preferences.

Step 3: Generating Opportunities

The next step involves creating Opportunities in Salesforce for each high-value customer. These Opportunities are based on the products they are most likely to buy, as indicated by the Domo analysis. For example, if a group of customers frequently purchases running shoes in the spring, the company creates Opportunities related to running shoes for these customers in Salesforce.

Step 4: Actioning Insights

With Person Accounts and Opportunities set up, the company can now tailor its marketing campaigns more effectively. For instance, targeted emails about new running shoe models can be sent to the identified high-value customers. Additionally, the company can manage its inventory better by ensuring popular items are well-stocked.

Benefits Realized

By integrating Domo and Salesforce using the Writeback Connector, the retail company achieves several benefits:

Increased Sales: Targeted marketing campaigns lead to higher conversion rates.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: Customers receive offers that are relevant to their interests, enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Efficiency Gains: Automating the creation of Person Accounts and Opportunities saves time and reduces the risk of manual errors.

Data-Driven Decisions: The company can make informed decisions about inventory management, reducing overstock and stockouts.


The Domo Salesforce Writeback Connector empowers organizations to seamlessly integrate analytics insights into their CRM processes. By automating the flow of data from Domo to Salesforce, companies can enhance their customer relationship management, drive sales, and improve operational efficiency. The use case of the retail company illustrates just one of the many ways businesses can benefit from this powerful integration, showcasing the potential for increased sales, customer satisfaction, and overall efficiency. As we move forward in the age of data, the ability to connect and leverage data across platforms like Domo and Salesforce will be a key differentiator for successful businesses.

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